Welcome to the
ADHD+ Support, based in Chelmsford, Essex. We are charitable organisation with a primary aim of providing information, support and services to those with ADHD and its many associated and co-existing conditions. We are primarily run by volunteers who have a personal connection with these conditions.
Our work is with those who have or are in the process of obtaining a diagnosis of ADHD, their
families, parents/guardians, and professionals, to help
find and provide better ways to help cope with the day to day struggles.
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Our Name and Our Aims
Our name ADHD+ Support contains multiple meaning which are aimed to provide a range of meanings to present our aims.
- "A+" Quality Support
We wish to provide the highest quality support.
- ADHD and more...
We aim to support not just ADHD but also the full ranged of associated and co-existing conditions.
- The individual
The person is so often seen as ADHD, however we see the person as a whole. ADHD is just one aspect of what makes that individual who they are and we aim to support all aspects of their lives not just one area.
- The Support Unit
Again we recognise that ADHD'ers are not islands in society, and so we aim to also support the whole family including parents/guardians, siblings and the wider family, and also those who provide support in other areas including educational professionals, medical professionals and employers.
- Full Potential
We also aim to cater for much more than getting by in life but rather we aim to help them excel and achieve their full potential in all areas including social, education and working careers.
Our Successes
In addition to support group meetings we also provide parents
with help via telephone, email and in person. Our aim is to
improve the lives of parents and those with
and our advice is of a practical nature based on personal experience.
As such we cannot guarantee that all the advice can help everyone
however we believe that our success shows that the advice is effective.
A week after a two hours introduction course, a mum, who has
a 7 year old daughter with
informed us:
Thank you for meeting with me, so far it has been very helpful
... Good news though although not actually going to sleep until
9pm she has been staying in her room and when told 'no this
is it' has finally gone to sleep and I have had to wake her
for school in the morning - very unheard of!!
After a number of sessions a mum, who has a 14 year old son with
informed us:
Your information has been very helpful. You have made me rethink
my approach to my son's behaviour and made me feel more positive
about his future. He was and is still a little negative
about having
but was impressed with the amount of famous people who have
or have had it. The most invaluable help is knowing you are
at the end of a computer if I need any support, and that there
can be a positive outcome with
Let us know if you've been helped by our advice, by sending an
email to steve@adhdplus.support.
Other conditions catered for:
Although our main focus is on ADHD we also cater for a wide range of associated and co-existing conditions which include, but not exclusive to, Opposition Defiant Disorder (ODD) & Conduct Disorder (CD), Learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia, dysphasia, dyscalculia, and dyspraxia), Tourette Syndrome (TS), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and other Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar & Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and other personality disorders. We also provide support for neurological conditions which are seen in families with ADHD and have a growing scientific link to ADHD and its commonly associated conditions which include neurological conditions such as Chiari Malformation Type I, and other medical conditions such as hypoglycemia and autoimmune conditions.
Invite us to do a talk
If you live and/or work in Essex then we are happy to
come to your local school and give a talk on "What is ADHD?".
As we are a not-for-profit organisation all we ask for is either
a collection box for donations at the meeting
or for our time and
travel expenses to be covered. We would like to get more
information out to parents, schools and others who come into
contact with ADHD, have ADHD, or live with someone with ADHD.
We present in an easy to listen way and provide the key
information on this site and a much more. Contact
steve@adhdplus.support for more details.