It has been found that many with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) have a zinc deficiency. This can be due to a number of factors.
One is Pyroluria Syndrome which again is common with
Autistic Spectrum Conditions.
Low zinc levels in the soil today due to over farming.
Over processing of food.
Avoidance of eating meat in large enough quantities.
Men also use 1-4mg during an ejaculation.
Zinc is found in:
Lean Meat
Whole grains
North Sea Herrings
Green vegetables
A small quantity in fruit
Cu Probably caused by a copper excess induced by Zinc deficiency
(Copper accumulates in the body in the absence of Zinc)
B6 Probably caused by a Vitamin B6 deficiency induced by Zinc
deficiency (Zinc is required for the activation of Vitamin B6)
A Probably caused by a Vitamin A deficiency induced by Zinc
deficiency (Zinc is necessary to release Vitamin A from the liver where it
is stored)
Cd Probably caused by a cadium excess induced by Zinc deficiency
(Cadium accumulates in the body in the absence of Zinc)
Common Symptoms
The individual may have a number of the following symptoms, however will not
have all. The symptoms listed cover all ages from birth to old age.
White spots on nails (Leukonychia)
Weak nails that peel easily (A)
Brittle nails (A)
Ultra-thin nails (can cause nail biting)
Horizontal ridges on nails (A)
Slow nail growth
Hair Scalp
Slow hair growth
Brittle hair that breaks or splits easily
limp lank hair
absence of sheen and lustre (A)
Falling hair (Cu, B6)
Premature greying or reduced pigmentation
Dandruff (B6, A)
Dry scales on scalp (A)
Oily scales on scalp (and eyebrows, around nose and behind ears)
Long coarse eyebrow hair
Sparse beard, pubic and underarm hair
Stretch marks (Striae)
Cracked skin behind ears
Small cracks (fissures) in skin on fingertips
Tiny blisters on side of fingers
Oily skin (seborrhoea) (B6)
Dry, itchy skin (A)
Rough skin on backs of arms or legs (A)
Red spots at base of hairs on front of thighs (glossy skin) (A)
Small bumps in skin of side and back of upper arm (A)
Acne (A)
Boils (A)
Warts (A)
Mouth ulcers (A)
Sore tongue and mouth (B6)
Cracks around mouth and split lips (B6)
Leg ulcers (together with poor circulation)
Eczema (especially around mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, and on hands)
Psoriasis (A)
Itching in the sunlight
Inability to suntan ("china doll" appearance) (B6)
Easy sun burning (B6)
Brown melanin spots on skin of face and back of hands (together with
Vitamin C deficiency)
Slow wound healing
Fruity body (sweat) odour
Poor night vision (Nyctalopia) (A)
Dry eyes (Xerophthalmia) (A)
Burning and itchy eyes (A)
Bloodshot eyes
Aching or tired eyes on close work or reading (A)
Eyestrain headache (A)
Inflamed eyelids (A)
Cracks around eyes (B6)
Sex Reproduction
Underdeveloped sex organs (particularly small penis) (micro phallus)
Low sex drive
Un-gratifying sex in males
Reduced fertility in both sexes
Enlarged prostate gland in elderly
Delayed puberty and late onset of periods
Menstrual irregularities in teenagers
Premenstrual tension (B6)
Heavy menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia) (A)
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (B6)
Small for dates babies
Early or late labour
Prolonged labour
Postnatal depression (Cu)
Difficulty sustaining lactation
Lack of maternal instincts
All girl families
Congenital defects in offspring (A)
Failure to thrive
Infections and allergic illness in offspring (e.g. diarrhoea, eczema)
Childhood and Adolescence
"Growing pains" in muscles and joints (Cu)
Hyperactivity (Cu)
School phobia
Eating dirt and strange substances (pica)
Behavioural problems and learning disabilities (Cu)
Mental retardation
Delinquent and antisocial behaviour (Cu)
Reliance on narcotics (drug abuse)
Slow growth leading to small stature (A)
Mental Symptoms
Tension and nervousness (Cu)
Insomnia (Cu, B6, A)
Sleepiness (B6)
Irritability (Cu, B6)
Aggression (Cu)
Depression (Cu, B6, A)
Tearfulness (Cu)
Reduced mental alertness
Inability to concentrate (Cu, B6)
Forgetfulness and amnesia
Poor appetite
Anorexia Nervousa (Cu)
Craving for sweet foods (together with a vitamin B complex
Poor sense of taste (Hypogeusia)
Sweet tooth
Poor sense of smell (Hyposmia) (A)
Poor dream recall (B6)
Nightmares (B6)
Susceptibility to infections and cancer through shrinkage of thymus
Infections of skin and mucous membranes (e.g. sinuses, lungs, bladder)
Susceptibility of epithelial tissue to cancer (A)
Frequent colds (A)
Frequent cold sores
Cold hands and feet (poor circulation)
Hypothyroidism (low metabolic rate)
Fatigue and lack of energy (A)
Stuttering (Cu)
Tooth decay
Loss of bone from tooth socket and periodontal disease e.g.
pyorrhoea (red and retracted gums), crowded overlapping upper incisors
(narrow dental arch)
Fruity odour to breath
Slow reactions
Nasal polyps
Swelling of nasal and sinus passageways (sometimes giving rise to a
swollen face and nasal twang)
Swelling and closure of Eustachian tubes (gives rise to middle ear
infections as prevents adequate drainage)
Neuralgia in arms and legs (A)
Tingling hands (B6)
Numbness or cramps in arms and legs (B6)
Carpal tunnel syndrome (B6)
Anaemia (B6)
Reactions to monosodium glutamate (Chinese restaurant syndrome) (B6)
Hypoglycaemia (B6)
Water retention (B6)
Nausea, especially in morning (B6)
Kidney stones (calcium phosphate type) (A)
Emphysema (Cd)
High blood pressure (Cu, Cd)
Accelerated atherosclerosis (B6, Cd)
Joint pain (especially knee and hip)
Rheumatoid arthritis (Cu)
Menopausal arthritis (B6)
Peptic ulcers
Migraine (Cu)
Confusion in elderly and early senility (Cu)
Premature aging (Cu)
Psychosis/schizophrenia (Cu, B6)
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